A film a year. Program 2: 1940-1955
Out of competition                   

A film a year. Program 2: 1940-1955

A film a day: throughout 2023, Home Movies publishes daily a small-gauge format film stemming from family, amateur, or experimental archival collection, which is shot on that same day. Various events of this “short century” of amateur cinema, unfold into a full audio-visual calendar, followed by the changing of the seasons and attesting to the cyclical nature of time. For Archivio Aperto 2023, we propose A Film a Year, an anthology composed of Almanac’s fragments presented in five programs and shown in chronological order, from 1924 to 1989. One film to represent one year. The timeline as a stream to be submerged in. And so, once again, we will probe the relationship between amateur cinema and history. 


We will thus see the twentieth century in its making, recounting the “short century” or, in our case, the “small-gauge century.”



One film a year. Program 2: 1940-1955
1940. La Fiera di Milano / Fascist wings over the world, Fratelli Chierici, 8mm, 7′.
1941. In kindergarten, Oliviero Olivo, 16mm, 3′.
1942. Skating in Ferrara, Ermenegildo Boccafogli, 16mm, 2′.
1943. House of fools, Giorgio Aebi, 8mm, 4′.
1944. Awakening, Enrico Chierici, 16mm, 4′.
1945. Last Easter of War, Giuseppe Bacigalupo, 9.5mm, 5′.
1946. Monarchy or Republic?, Zanardi Prosperi family, 9.5mm, 2′.
1947. Little men, Gioacchino Rossini, 9.5mm, 3′.
1948. Monte Conero, Rodolfo Galeazzi, 9.5mm, 2′.
1949. Agricultural machines, Renato Losi, 16mm, 5′.
1950. Isa and the camera, Barzizza family, 16mm, 2′.
1951. First of May in color, Angelo Marzadori, 8mm, 3′.
1952. Anna Magnani at the Grand Prix, Enrico Bagni, 8mm, 3′.
1953. Sports film festival, Fantin family, 8mm, 3′.
1954. Turin automobile show, Ermenegildo Boccafogli, 16mm, 3′.
1955. The stork has arrived, Nino Cocchi, 8mm, 3′.






Origin of archival materials

Fondazione Home Movies - Archivio Nazionale del Film di Famiglia